SERVICE DESCRIPTION:Provides drive up testing for COVID-19 for those with symptoms (cough, fever, runny nose, chills, sore throat or body aches). Must schedule a video visit first to determine if you need to be tested. If determined that you need testing, you will have an appointment time to drive up outside. Results of the test available in 7 to 10 days.
SERVICE HOURS:Mon-Fri 8am-8pm
Sat-Sun 9am-5pm
INTAKE PROCEDURE:Must schedule a video visit first to determine if you need to be tested. If determined that you need testing, you will have an appointment time to drive up outside.
FEES:Co pays for insurance apply. If your insurance does not cover it or if you do not have insurance there will be a fee.
ELIGIBILITY:Anyone who has symptoms
AREA SERVED:Oklahoma City, Edmond
LANGUAGES:English and Spanish